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Past events

24 Jul 2024 2024 Chapter Championship
19 Jun 2024 2024 CIGCSA Vendor Showcase
20 May 2024 James Brandt Scholarship Fundraiser
04 Mar 2024 2024 Spring Education Meeting
31 Jan 2024 GIS Happy Hour
10 Jan 2024 Winter Social Event
04 Dec 2023 CIGCSA Annual Meeting and Education Program
16 Oct 2023 Illinois Superintendent Chapter Challenge
28 Aug 2023 9 Hole Shootout
19 Jul 2023 2023 Chapter Championship
20 Jun 2023 2023 CIGCSA Vendor Showcase
16 May 2023 James Brandt Scholarship Fundraiser
06 Mar 2023 2023 Shop Meeting
08 Feb 2023 GIS Happy Hour
13 Jan 2023 Winter Social Event
05 Dec 2022 CIGCSA Annual Meeting and Education Program
19 Oct 2022 October Member-Guest
29 Aug 2022 9 Hole Shootout
18 Jul 2022 2022 Chapter Championship
20 Jun 2022 2022 CIGCSA Vendors Day
16 May 2022 James Brandt Scholarship Fundraiser
25 Feb 2022 2022 Shop Meeting
09 Feb 2022 GIS Happy Hour
14 Jan 2022 Winter Social Event
06 Dec 2021 CIGCSA Annual Meeting and Education Program
13 Oct 2021 October Golf Event
13 Sep 2021 James Brandt Scholarship Fundraiser
23 Aug 2021 CIGCSA Assistants Day
16 Aug 2021 9 Hole Shootout
12 Jul 2021 2021 Chapter Championship
28 Jun 2021 CIGCSA Assistants Day
15 Jun 2021 2021 CIGCSA Vendors Day
07 Dec 2020 CIGCSA Annual Meeting and Education Program
26 Oct 2020 October Golf Event
02 Mar 2020 CIGCSA Career Development Day
29 Jan 2020 GIS Happy Hour
10 Jan 2020 Winter Social Event
02 Dec 2019 CIGCSA Annual Meeting and Education Program
07 Oct 2019 October Meeting
22 Aug 2019 James Brandt Scholarship Fundraiser
22 Jul 2019 2019 Chapter Championship
03 Jun 2019 2019 Vendors Day
02 May 2019 James Brandt Scholarship Fundraiser
20 Apr 2019 CIGCSA Tailgate
04 Mar 2019 2019 Shop Meeting
22 Feb 2019 Winter Social Event
06 Feb 2019 GIS Happy Hour
03 Dec 2018 CIGCSA Annual Meeting and Education Program
01 Oct 2018 2018 Member-Guest
11 Sep 2018 2018 Chapter Championship
11 Jun 2018 2018 Vendors Day
18 May 2018 James Brandt Scholarship Fundraiser
12 Mar 2018 2018 Shop Meeting
07 Feb 2018 GIS Happy Hour
19 Jan 2018 Winter Social Event
04 Dec 2017 CIGCSA Annual Meeting and Education Program
30 Oct 2017 2017 October Big Cup Scramble
21 Aug 2017 2017 August Field Day
13 Jul 2017 2017 Chapter Championship
11 Apr 2017 April Meeting
06 Mar 2017 2017 Shop Meeting
20 Jan 2017 Winter Social Event
05 Dec 2016 CIGCSA Annual Meeting and Education Program
20 Oct 2016 2016 October Member-Guest
12 Sep 2016 2016 Field Day
18 Jul 2016 2016 Chapter Championship
20 Jun 2016 2016 June Vendors Day
09 May 2016 James Brandt Scholarship Fundraiser
14 Apr 2016 April Meeting...........Host Supt. - Brian Barnes
15 Mar 2016 2016 Shop Meeting
15 Jan 2016 Winter Social Event
07 Dec 2015 CIGCSA Annual Meeting and Education Program
12 Oct 2015 2015 October Meeting
21 Sep 2015 2015 Chapter Championship in September
09 Jul 2015 2015 Chapter Championship in September
08 Jun 2015 2015 June Vendors Day
18 May 2015 James Brandt Scholarship Fundraiser
20 Apr 2015 April Meeting...........Host Supt. - Brian Barnes
16 Mar 2015 2015 Shop Meeting
16 Jan 2015 Winter Social Event - Sponsored By ERB Turf Equipment
10 Nov 2014 CIGCSA Annual Meeting and Education Program
06 Oct 2014 2014 October Meeting
11 Aug 2014 2014 August Field Day/Polillo Golf Fundraiser
14 Jul 2014 2014 July Chapter Championship
16 Jun 2014 2014 June Vendors Day
12 May 2014 2014 May Scholarship Fundraiser Event
14 Apr 2014 2014 April Meeting
17 Mar 2014 2014 Shop Meeting
10 Jan 2014 Winter Social
11 Nov 2013 CIGCSA Annual Meeting and Education Program
08 Oct 2013 CIGCSA / NWIGCSA Combined Meeting
19 Aug 2013 U of I Field Day / Stone Creek GC - Host Supt - Perry Greene,CGCS
08 Jul 2013 CIGCSA Chapter Championship - Host Supt - Tim Neaveille
11 Jun 2013 Vendors Day - Host Supt - Jim Johnson
13 May 2013 James Brandt Scholarship Fundraiser - Host Supt - Greg Willman
15 Apr 2013 April Meeting CIGCSA / SIGCSA Combined - Host Supt - Brian Barnes
18 Mar 2013 CIGCSA Shop Tour - Host Supt - Tyler Bain
04 Feb 2013 GCSAA Golf Industry Show

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